Surrey Cigars

Rocky Patel White Label Robusto


Length: 5"
Ring Gauge: 50
Flavour: Medium
Vitola: Robusto
Smoking Time: 60 Min

Rating by Surrey Cigars - 90/100

Discover the Artistic Expression of Rocky Patel White Label Robusto Cigar

Surrey Cigars is pleased to offer the Rocky Patel White Label Robusto, a cigar that represents over a decade of searching for the perfect name and brand to match the exceptional quality of Nicaragua's finest tobaccos. The White Label is Rocky Patel's epiphany, a symbol of true artistic expression.

A Masterpiece of Complexity and Flavour

Crafted in their factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, the White Label Robusto is a medium-bodied cigar that showcases a stunning Connecticut wrapper. The flavour profile is bold and complex, with each artist likely to have their interpretation. This cigar features rich notes of cedar, cream, and a sweet finish that lingers long after the buttery bouquet has dissipated.

Immaculate Craftsmanship and Bespoke Design

The Rocky Patel White Label Robusto is not just a cigar; it's a work of art. From its white leather case to its rose gold interior, every aspect of this cigar is immaculately crafted and meticulously bespoke. The White Label is a testament to Rocky Patel's commitment to creating cigars with breathtaking palettes.

Rocky Patel: A Name Synonymous with Luxury and Quality

In an industry built on name recognition and reputation, Rocky Patel's passion has elevated his luxury brand to heights unseen by most boutique cigar manufacturers. His dedication and hard work are evident in every cigar he creates, including the White Label Robusto.

Experience the Rocky Patel White Label Robusto at Surrey Cigars

At Surrey Cigars, we proudly feature the Rocky Patel White Label Robusto. With its high rating and commitment to quality, this cigar represents the pinnacle of Rocky Patel's craftsmanship. Explore this celebrated cigar and immerse yourself in the world of premium cigar artistry.

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