Surrey Cigars

Cohiba Behike BHK 54 Box of 10 Limited Annual Production

Length: 5 5/8"
Ring Gauge: 54
Flavour: Medium-Strong
Vitola: Robusto Extra
Smoking Time: 80 min


Rating by Surrey Cigars - 99/100

'VOTED BEST CIGAR OF 2010' by Cigar Aficionado. Rating: 97

Experience the Unrivaled Excellence of Cohiba BHK 54 Robusto Extra Cigar:

Indulge in the pinnacle of cigar perfection with the Cohiba BHK 54 Robusto Extra Cigar, a true masterpiece that has garnered numerous accolades. Voted the Best Cigar of 2010 by Cigar Aficionado with a remarkable rating of 97, this cigar offers an exceptional and unforgettable smoking experience.

A Taste of Havana's Finest:

Measuring 5 5/8" in length and boasting a ring gauge 54, the Cohiba BHK 54 Robusto Extra showcases Cohiba's craftsmanship and expertise. It delivers a medium to strong flavour profile that is captivating and distinct. This cigar's unique blend, which includes an extra Medio tiempo filler leaf from the top of the plant, creates a stunning and unparalleled taste that is truly a hallmark of Havana.

Limited Availability, Timeless Quality:

The Cohiba BHK 54 Robusto Extra is a highly sought-after gem known for its limited availability. Many fans worldwide are already securing quantities of these cigars to lay down, mature, and collect in their humidors. Take your chance to acquire this timeless masterpiece. Buy now before they are sold out.

Unmatched Craftsmanship and Tradition:

Cohiba's commitment to excellence is reflected in the meticulous selection of tobacco leaves for their cigars. The BHK range draws from the five finest Vegas de Primera in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis districts of the Vuelta Abajo zone. Their unique fermentation process sets Cohiba apart, where up to three filler leaves, seco, ligero, and the rare medio tiempo, undergo an additional fermentation in barrels. This meticulous process results in a distinct aroma and flavour found only in Cohiba cigars.

Elevate Your Cigar Experience:

Embrace the extraordinary with the Cohiba BHK 54  Robusto Extra Cigar, a testament to the craftsmanship and flavour mastery. Voted the Best Cigar of 2010, this cigar is a must-have for discerning aficionados seeking an unparalleled smoking experience. Elevate your cigar collection and savour the timeless allure of Cohiba.

Ring Gauge: 54 Length: 5 5/8ths inch in length Behikes will have a limited annual production, so when they are gone –that is for the year. I think that makes them a candidate for laying down, maturing and collecting, and many of our clients are already laying down a quantity of BHKs.

The BHKs have a different blend to the 40th-anniversary Behikes (aged 5 years) as well as an extra Medio tiempo filler leaf, which will give the cigar a very distinct flavour characteristic as this is a dark leaf from the top of the plant. The name is an ancient Taino Indian word for the bunches of tobacco leaves that Columbus first saw being smoked by the original inhabitants of Cuba. The earliest known form of a Habano.

The leaves for Cohiba are the selection? from the 5 finest Vegas de Primera in San Juan y Martinez and San Luis districts of the Vuelta Abajo zone. Unique amongst Habanos, up to three of Cohiba's filler leaves, the seco, ligero, and the rare medio tiempo, undergo additional fermentation in barrels. This unique process produces a special aroma and flavour you will only find in Cohiba.

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